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Path Of Exile Builds Guide: Ancestral Warchief Champion Builds

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This build focuses on abusing Champion’s Taunt and the nature of Totems to be able to kill bosses on a very low budget. It’s important for you to realize that you should most likely not play this build unless you plan on farming a decent amount of Labyrinth early in a league to fund your next builds. Uber Labbing is incredibly profitable early on and can definitely give you a significant poe currency boost at the start of a League.

Ancestral Warchief Champion Builds

Pros And Cons


  • Best Day 1 Uber Labyrinth build
  • Requires nothing – unlike other Lab Builds
  • Really fast at completing Labs and low tier maps
  • Incredibly easy to level with
  • Champion’s Taunt with Totems is a ridiculous defensive mechanic
  • Great moneymaker


  • Has no scaling whatsoever
  • Caps at around 800K Shaper DPS
  • Hard to push to tank levels to tank higher content
  • Requires you to weapon swap

Gem Links

1. Ancestral Warchief – Main Link

Getting a 5-Linked Warchief is generally enough to beat the lab on the first day. However, the 6th link is quite a significant chunk of damage, so it should be one of your first (and honestly only) upgrades!

  • Ancestral Warchief
  • Multiple Totems Support
  • Melee Physical Damage Support
  • Brutality Support
  • Ruthless Support
  • Fortify Support

2. Auras

The build runs two auras, Pride for more damage and a fairly high leveled Vitality for some really nice extra flat Regeneration.

  • Vitality
  • Pride

3. Leap Slam to zoom through Lab

As mentioned, Leap Slam becomes incredible on the weapon swap! Because it is this fast, and Mana cannot sustain this, you’re running a Blood Magic Support.

  • Leap Slam
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • Blood Magic Support
  • Fortify Support (optional – until Uber Lab)

4. Additional Gems / Sockets

From here on out, the only gem I would say is required is Vulnerability, which you want to manually cast after putting your totems down on Izaro. This will add tremendous amounts of damage so don’t forget it! The rest of your gems can, if you want to optimally make use of them, have any combination of the following gems!

  • Steelskin (preferably on Left Mouse button)
  • Enduring Cry (extra life per second & Endurance Charges)
  • Cast when Damage Taken Support (1)
  • Immortal Call (1)
  • Increased Duration Support
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